At the Second Baptist Church in Beaver Falls, the monthly neighborhood watch

meeting was anchored by two guests who spoke about the Community Outreach Program designed to combat homelessness and houselessness in Beaver Falls.
One of the speakers was Dina Ciabattoni, the Continuum Of Care Coordinator in Beaver County, who started the night by explaining “Outreach” in a nutshell:
The other guest speaker was Jaime Kinkead, a director with the Salvation Army in Beaver County. She spoke of what the process to house and care for the homeless taken in was:
The session then went into a Q&A session that turned out to be the majority of the meeting. One of the subjects asked about was the idea of what kids go through when dealing with homelessness, and Dina responded as such:
When the questions concluded, Jaime gave the attendees a final plea for action:
The next Community Watch Meeting in Beaver Falls is on April 30.