VIDEO: Ambridge Fall Festival Of Churches Returns On Saturday, September 24

(Matt Drzik/Beaver County Radio)
(Photo by Frank Sparks/Beaver County Radio)

“Ambridge will be the place to be this weekend, for sure.”

That exclamation from Kim Villella is a bold one, but justified as the Ambridge Fall Festival of Churches returns this weekend to the borough on September 24 for the first time since 2019. She and borough manager Mario Leone joined Matt Drzik on the September 19 edition of A.M. Beaver County to preview all of the different elements that will be on display of sound and vision this Saturday.

The event begins with a parade that starts the festivities at 11:00 AM, which will begin at The parade will end at P.J. Caul Park, where the day’s festivities will be headquartered. The opening ceremonies will commence with a welcome from Leone and State Representative Rob Matzie presiding as the emcee. At noon, all of the church bells in Ambridge will formally begin the festivities, which will run until 6:00 PM and feature the tastes and sounds of the many faith-based cultures that have created Ambridge’s culture. Further details about the event can be found by going to the borough website or Facebook page.

To watch the full preview of the Festival of Churches, click on the Facebook feed below!