Radio Dial Rewind Day 7, May 30, 2018 on Teleforum with Frank Sparks features Tom Stein, Alan Boal, Jimi Miller, and Carl Anderson


Tune into Teleforum with Frank Sparks on Wednesday May 30, 2018 for Day 7 of “Radio Dial Rewind” from 9 a.m. to noon.

Frank will start the morning out with Tom Stein at 9:10 a.m. who got his start at WBVP in the 1980s as a newscaster, including being the host of the “Afternoon Update” report. Since then, he’s appeared on Beaver County Radio from time to time, and Wednesday will be another of those times as he reminisces about his time in the newsroom during the end of the Reagan decade.



At 10:10 a.m. Frank will be joined by The last living member of the original WBVP staff of 1948, Alan Boal. Alan will reflect on the first days of WBVP . Alan was working with legends such as Chuck Wilson and Gert Trobe.





At 11:10 a.m. Frank will be joined by Jimi Miller. Before getting behind the drumset to play for bands such as The Dream Machine and The Sidewinder band, Jimi Miller got his rockstar start behind the microphone at WMBA. He (pictured in between wife Dena and Frank Sparks) returns to the Beaver County Radio airwaves in honor of our 70th Anniversary to chat with Frank.

And then we’ll finish up our second to last day of Radio Dial Rewind with Carl Anderson at 11:40 a.m.. In the late 80s and early 90s, Anderson was a key member on the staff at WBVP & WWKS. He comes back to talk about his time at the Beaver Falls stations this week as part celebrating our 70th Anniversary in 2018.

“Radio Rewind” is brought to you by Ba’Runi Bar & Grille, the John Pournaras Agency, the Ambridge Italian Villa, Bowser Hyundai of Chippewa, McGee Heating & Cooling, and the Pennsylvania Hot Rod Company.



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