United Way Urges Seniors To Use New Contact Number For AARP Tax Preparations

(Matt Drzik/Beaver County Radio)
(Photo provided by Mary Lou Harju)

The United Way of Beaver County announced yesterday on its Facebook page that they will not be taking calls to schedule tax return preparation appointments for 2024. 

United Way director Mary Lou Harju told Beaver County Radio that they are receiving several calls a day regarding this year’s appointments, and that they are trying to raise awareness of the new situation.

They are alerting senior citizens of the county that the only way to schedule a tax return preparation appointment with AARP Volunteers is to call or text the AARP Tax Appointment phone number directly at 724-315-7171. An AARP volunteer will receive the messages from that point.

They are also asking that phone calls and text messages regarding appointments be made after this upcoming Monday, January 15; otherwise the call or text message may not be processed.