Semi-Truck Crashes Into Power Pole in Center Township Tuesday Evening, Causes Whole Chain of Events

(File Photo)
Story by Sandy Giordano, Beaver County Radio News Correspondent 
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
(Center Twp., Beaver County, Pa.) Center Township Volunteer Fire Department received a call at 5:15 p.m. Tuesday evening, November, 9, 2021,  stating that a semi- truck crashed into a utility pole and taking down lines between  the Beaver Mall and the Hampton Inn.
A fire department spokesman said the accident caused a power surge and two transformers exploded , and a large brush fire resulted at Pleasant Drive and Meadowlark Lane in the  township .  Due to the power outage, One person was stuck in an elevator at the Center Township Senior Living Complex, and another person was stuck in an elevator at the Monaca Inn.
Firefighters from all Three Center Township stations, Monaca, Aliquippa, and Potter Township assisted with Rochester Fire Department on stand- by according to the spokesman. No injuries were reported.