Center Supervisors met last night in regular session. Beaver County Radio News Correspondent Sandy Giordano was there. She says that Elkhorn Run Road residents Bob and Shirley Whippo asked when something would be done to the road which is in need of repair. Supervisor Richard George said the road is not on the list for any work. Township chairman Bill DiCioccio, Jr. said that the supervisors may be able to do something now. Road chairman Richard George will report to the township after he visits the road this week. Gioradano also says that township residents reported that Waste Management has been picking up 3 days a week, but the supervisors have a contract with the hauler for one day a week. Road chairman Richard George said the hauler broke the contract…and now the township is getting a lot of complaints No contract extension will be granted until the supervisors find out what is going on.
Residents Voice Complaints at Last Night’s Center Township Supervisors Meeting