HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) Commissioner Kathryn L. Zerfuss has been named as co-vice chair of a new Task Force on Natural Gas Resource Planning established by the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC).
Launched this summer, the new national task force will assist state regulators in developing their own planning roadmaps related to gas distribution infrastructure planning and future technology investment options to achieve utility decarbonization in the coming decades.
“It is an honor to be named co-vice chair of the Task Force on Natural Gas Resource Planning,” Commissioner Zerfuss said. “Many states are facing new and complex challenges, and this type of collaboration and cooperation among state regulatory commissions can be a tremendous benefit as we explore potential solutions and investment options surrounding gas infrastructure planning.
“I look forward to working with my fellow commissioners from across the country to facilitate the development of roadmaps focused on state planning approaches.”
Commissioner Zerfuss added that over the next two years, the task force will move through a two-phase effort to develop and provide technical and policy guidance along with the needed tools to assist regulators – including, but not limited to, a toolkit with strategic and tactical resources that can be immediately used by state commissions. The first meeting of the task force is scheduled for November 12, 2023.
The Task Force of Natural Gas Resource Planning is chaired by Commissioner Fitz Johnson (GA) with Commissioner Tammy Cordova (NV) joining Commissioner Zerfuss as co-vice chair. Other task force members include the following state commissioners: Megan Gilman (CO), Emile Thompson (District of Columbia), Gabriella Passidomo (FL), Stacey Paradis (IL), Wesley Bennett (IN), Josh Byrnes (IA), Eric Skrmetta (LA), James Van Nostrand (MA), Alessandra Carreon (MI), Valerie Means (MN), James Ellison (NM), Diane Burman (NY), Kim David (OK), Lawrence Friedeman (OH), Abigail Anthony (RI), Milt Doumit (WA) and Rebecca Valcq (WI).