A press conference was held at the CCBC dome this morning to announce the upcoming career expo and cracker plant training to be held next Thursday at 6 p.m,. According to Beaver County Radio News Correspondent Sandy Giordano, speakers included College president Dr. Chris Reber who welcomed all. Dr. Reber said that the college is pleased to host next Thursday’s expo. There will be displays showing which trades are available throughout the dome. Charles “Skip” Homan who is the board chairman Larson Design Group, and chairman of the Beaver County Partnership for Community and Economic Growth.Mr. Homan said the primary mission to get Beaver County growing again.”With a diverse group of leaders we want to find out how we can change the trend in the county>”he said there are well over 100 people involved, and more want to get involved in the Beaver County partnership.” Jack Manning president of the Beaver County chamber of Commerce also spoke. Manning said the chamber is prepared to develop and promote the county for economic growth.”he said there is 7.6% unemployment rate in the county, and there are 1,000 job openings in the county.”We want the jobs to come to the county, manufacturing is critical to our economy.” Other participants in the program were Dave Wytiaz, administrative director at Beaver County Career and Technology Center, Greg Hojdila IBEW Training director, Local Union 712, and mike mcDonald, Business manager Local Union 833 Construction and General Laborers. Union.