Picture Perfect Fall Day For Geneva Homecoming

(Beaver County Radio’s Frank Sparks talks with Geneva President, Dr. Calvin Troup, during Beaver County Radio’s Homecoming Broadcast)(Photos by Frank Sparks, Curtis Walsh and Matt Drzik)

Story by Frank Sparks, Beaver Radio
(Beaver Falls, Pa.) Saturday was a chilly fall day and the perfect scenario for Geneva College’s Homecoming 2022. The day started with a parade in which the Geneva College Golden Tornado Band was joined by the Beaver Falls High School Band, Geneva Students and alumni and the Beaver Falls Little Tigers. City, state, and county officials, and off course floats also joined in as they made their way down Seventh Avenue in the city on their way to Campus of Geneve College.

Beaver County Radio’s Frank Sparks and Curtis Walsh did a live broadcast from the north gate of Reeve’s Stadium from 12:30 to 2:00 PM to celebrate homecoming. The Beaver County Radio Prize Caddy and Personality Prize Wheel were also on hand with prizes from Tri-State Mc Donald’s, Fun For All in Cranberry, and premium gifts from St. Barnabas Health System.

There were many activities planned for the weekend for Geneva Alumni including Food Trucks, an Alumni Dinner, Rugby game, and a special performance by the Geneva Alumni Band.

The Golden Tornados Football team took the field to take on the Allegheny  Gators at 3PM  and the Gators tried to put a little bit of a damper on the festivities by beating the Golden Tornados but Coach DeMarco’s team pulled a dramatic fourth quarter come from behind victory and won 35-21.

Check out all the photos of a fun filled Saturday below: