Today begins the celebration of Orthodox Christmas. According to Beaver County Radio News Correspondent Sandy Giordano, Father Branislav Golic ,pastor of St. Elijah Serbian Orthodox Church in Aliquippa announced that Badnjdan service begins at 9 a.m. with confessions, 9:30a.m divine. liturgy, 4 cutting of the Yule Log at the Serbian picnic grounds. A children’s program reenacting the Birth of Christ is at 4:30 p.m. At 10 p.m. tonight the Christmas Eve service will be held, and the Feast of the Nativity service is at 10 a.m., Sunday, the second day of Christmas service is at 10 a.m. The Feast of St. Stephen divine liturgy is at 10 a.m. Father Golic his brother Father Vladislav, who has a parish in Lackawanna, N.Y., the sons of a Serbian priest who lived in Bosnia shared his memories about going out before sunrise to the woods in search of a young oak tree. The young oak tree is used as a yule log , and there is no Christmas tree he explained. They brought the yule log to church.
They had to walk to church 3 miles away with the badnjak in frigid temperatures , he explained Badnjivece meal consists of the warm pogaca(fasting bread), baked, sauerkraut, and other fasting foods.” Father Golic said the parishioners had to walk about 5 miles and the spirit of Christmas warmed the church. He said, “It truly felt like we were in a cave”We would truly enjoy the Birth of the Newborn King.” .After church, they walked home , the straw under the table contained candy or nuts and he and his brother were in search of the treats. The celebration was only with immediate family, he said. On the family table was the traditional lighted candle, the wheat which was planted on St. Nicholas Day, and the icon depicting Christ’s birth.
Father Robert Perpelka, pastor of St. John’s Orthodox Church in Ambridge said that the Christmas Eve Service, known as the Holy Supper begins at 8 p.m. tonight and on Christmas Divine Liturgy is at 9:30 a.m. Christos Razahdajetsja (Christ is Born)Slavite Jeho! Glorify Him!! (Russian) In Serbian the greeting is Mir Bozi, Hristos se Rodi, Voistinu se Rodi!!. Father Perpelka has a multi ethnic parish , he explained, not just Russian, Carpatho Russian, or Ukrainian .He has been busy baking , and one of his traditional favorites are medovniki (honey cakes). Joe Kauer, Ambridge boro manager shared his story about Orthodox Christmas his family attends St Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Carnegie . The family and friends joining them will have a traditional ham dinner and many pastries . They attend the church’s midnight service., he said.
I (Sandy Giordano) GREW UP IN ALL ALIQUIPPA AND I ATTEND ST.ELIJAH SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH, AND STILL DO,SERBIAN CHRISTMAS MEMORIES ARE PLENTY. THE PREPARATION FOR THE BIRTH OF CHRIST IS NOT COMMERCIALIZED LIKE DECEMBER 25. On St. Nicholas Day psenica (wheat seeds) are planted in special soil and watered daily. The wheat represents the ‘NEW LIFE” After Christmas the wheat is fed to the birds. The wheat is sold as a fundraiser for our choir. WHILE THE WOMEN OF THE HOUSE ARE BUSY PREPARING FOR BADNIJDAN (CHRISTMAS EVE) the men of the house set out before dawn in search of a young oak tree that they will cut down for the badnjak (yule log) that will burn throughout the Christmas season. Straw is strewn under the family table commemorating the manger where the Christ Child was born. The women prepare the pogaca(fasting bread), grai crumpir(bean soup), the pastries for the Christmas feast which includes the chesnica (coin bread). Attending badnjak services at church at 4 p.m., matins at 10 p.m. with responses by the St. Elijah Choir , and on Bozic (Christmas Day) The women of the house continue preparing the chicken noodle soup, Serbian potato salad, sarma, ham, and preparing the table that is never empty during the feast , just replenished. The men of the house roast the pig on a spit specially made to hold a whole pig. Many Serbs just order the delicacy from those that specialize in roasting the pig. The pig’s head has the traditional apple in its mouth and is placed in the center of the Christmas table. At the beginning of the feast my grandfather would propose a toast to Christmas . As a child I went to Sunday School, belonged to the youth group, sang in the junior choir, and later the St. Elijah Choir which was directed by the late Veda Milanovich and my kuma (godmother) Natalie Rebich. Being in the choir offered a lot of activities such as caroling which is no longer done . The one memory that I cherish is my kum ( godfather) the late Eli Rebich coming to our house Christmas Eve with the gifts he had for my brother, sister, and I. He usually came after matins, and sometimes we crept down the steps wishing him :Mir Bozi, “Hristos se Rodi” Many times we visited on Christmas at their home. When I was small, my great grandfather presented us with an apple or orange on Christmas, which is a Serbian tradition to have children receive fruit , nuts or candy . This is a special time of year for me with the memories, my dad loved Christmas, it was his favorite holiday My mom always was busy in the kitchen if we had guests. My dad’s parents hosted a dinner for family and kumovi which made it extra special. I look forward to more Christmas memories being made this year I was unable to be home last year because of an auto accident I was in the hospital and unable to celebrate Christmas, my granddaughter’s birthday, and my son’s birthday. I hope Christmas 2017 is a happy safe one for all.