Host Jim Roddey discusses the Tusca Drive-In and Beaver Meadows on tomorrow’s “The Best of Beaver County” presented by St. Barnabas

Jim Roddey

The Best of Beaver County is easy to discover; it’s right on your radio!  Tune in this and every Thursday from 11 to 11:30 am  for “the Best of Beaver County”, a new show on WBVP and WMBA presented by St. Barnabas. The show is  hosted by Jim Roddey and is dedicated to shining light on the great things going on right here in your neighborhood, and the people that are making it happen.  This Thursday, enjoy conversation and insight with the previous owners of the Tusca Drive-In and Katie Schneider, Administrator of Beaver Meadows. 

If you can’t tune in tomorrow, the radio broadcast will be replayed from 11:30 am to Noon on Sunday on Beaver County Radio!

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