Hopewell Township commissioners met last night and hired 2 new road department laborers Terry George and Steve Barkovich. According to Beaver County Radio News Correspondent Sandy Giordano, the men will begin their duties on Monday and be paid $15.81 an hour in accordance with provisions of the collective bargaining agreement with the township and Local union 385 of the IBEW. Mr. George attended last night’s meeting and thanked the commissioners for hiring him. Four part time police officers will begin their duties pending completion of testing and pre-employment physical exams. Joseph J. Daransky, Kyle A. Fabyanic, Brandon A. Fedorka, and Corey R. McNally will earn $16.79 an hour. The tentative starting date is on Tuesday, November 1. Commissioner’s chairman Rich Bufalini said the hirings are necessary because some officers found other jobs or were promoted within the department. Trick or treat will be Monday from 6-8 p.m. in the township.
Hopewell Township Commissioners Hire Four New Police Officers and Two New Road Department Laborers