Some residents in Hopewell Township want to know why their homes are constantly flooding. The eight homes are located in the Village On the Green in the 2000 block of Golfway Road. Beaver County Radio News Correspondent Sandy Giordano reports that one resident – Cheryl Leydig – took the matter to the township commissioners meeting. She says she’s tired of her home being flood by water, mud and debris. She wants to know whose responsibility it is to find out why this is happening. Leydig’s home was flooded June 3 for the third time, and she’s unsure what the cost for cleanup and restoration will be. She says her home is the first one affected by flooding when it occurs. Leydig’s neighbors also spoke and asked the township to remedy the situation. Township code enforcement officer John Bates said he will work on the matter today, Township solicitor Mike Jones will be notified of the ongoing situation.