Hopewell hires 3 teachers and a business manager

Story by Sandy Giordano – Beaver County Radio. Published June 28, 2023 2:38 P.M.

(Hopewell Township, PA) At Tuesday night’s meeting Elisha Satkovich was hired as a special education teacher. She will teach at Hopewell Elementary School. Mackenzie Cuneo will also teach special education in th district. Brieana Denardo wass hired to teach elementary art. The teachers will begin their duties effective August 21, 2023.

Sheila Lubert was hired as the district’s business administrator. Her salary will be $110,000.00.
The board amended the Confidential Employees Agreement  to provide that the salary of the Payroll and Benefits Coordinator shall be $44,876.00 for the 2023-24 school year.

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