Story by Sandy Giordano – Beaver County Radio. Published June 12, 2024 1:34 P.M.
(Hopewell Township, Pa) Dan Engen from DRAW Collective presented his final option recommendations to the district at Tuesday night’s work session. At the board’s meeting on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 the board will meet in regular session to further discuss the options presented.
Matt Mottes was hired as the new head varsity football coach, replacing John Rosa.
During the meeting, employment of nine grade 7-12 teachers was approved for credit recovery classes. Rosetta Dufalla, English, Raymon Smith, Math, Martin Vallecorsa, Social Studies, Michael Gill, Science and Introduction to Scientific Methods, Betsy Lehman, Biology, Bronwyn Korchnak, Chemistry, Dean Nelson, Physics, Lisa Morell, Physical Education, Stephanie Valentine, BCIT. The teachers will be paid $150.00 per student.
Linda Cecela, kindergarten teacher at Independence Elementary School’s retirement became effective May 31, 2024.
Kelly Waibel, JV cheerleading sponsor resigned and has accepted the Head Varsity cheerleading sponsor effective May 31, 2024.
Angela Markowitz was hired as a Health Suite Assistant at Margaret Ross Elementary School effective June 12, 2024. Two summer custodial staff members were hired, Steven Slate and Kandy Helms.