Heart, Soul, & Trails: The February 26 Commissioners’ Work Session

(Matt Drzik/Beaver County Radio)

The biggest crowd of 2020 appeared at the Commissioners’ weekly work session on February 26th at the Courthouse in Beaver. The majority of them were there in support of Heart & Soul, a community-improvement group associated with the Pennsylvania Humanities Council.  PHC Senior Director of Content & Management Dawn Frisby Beyers made the announcement about their newest foray into selected Beaver County Communities:


This is the sixth project that Heart & Soul has taken on since 2015.

Meanwhile, Commissioner Jack Manning announced the merger of two groups focused on the hiking and scenic trails in Western Pennsylvania, and he used that announcement to showcase a goal he’d like to see soon:


The Commissioners will have a public meeting on Thursday, February 27 at 10:00 AM.

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