Gas Prices Jump 30 Cents a Gallon Overnight at Some Beaver County Gas Stations

(Photo of Speedway Gas Price in New Brighton taken by Frank Sparks)

Thursday, March 3, 2022 at 6:50 AM

(Beaver County, Pa.) As Gas prices hit an all-time high The leaders of OPEC and its oil-producing allies are sticking with their plan to gradually increase oil production while Russia’s invasion of Ukraine rattles markets, reshapes alliances, kills civilians and sends the price of crude skyrocketing. The OPEC+ coalition of oil producers chose to increase oil production by 400,000 barrels per day in April. But that isn’t helping consumers at the pump.

Gas Prices at $3.99/ Gal at Beaver Sunoco on Tuesday 03/01/22. Photo taken by Frank Sparks

Here locally we are feeling the pinch at the pump as gas prices at some local stations jumped 30 cents overnight to $4.19 a gallon.
Speedway in New Brighton and Baden are at $4.19 a gallon, Get Go in Rochester and Chippewa is listed on their website at $3.90 a gallon, Sweet Peas in Beaver Falls is $3.89, The Sunoco in Beaver was listed at $3.99 a gallon on Tuesday and Sheetz locations in the county are also $3.90 a gallon according to their website.
According to Gasprices the average cost for a gallon of gasoline locally is $3.82. the all-time record is an average price of $4.05 a gallon back in June of 2008.