First Energy permits still being extended

First Energy permits still being extended

Both the Little Blue Run coal ash impoundment and the Bruce Mansfield coal-fired power plant have been operating under an “administratively extended” permit concerning the regulation of pollution discharges. That permit expired in November of 2011 according to Department of Environmental Protection spokeswoman Lauren Fraley. With additional applications being made and state & federal regulations continuing to change, there were more delays. Everything was collected and resubmitted to the DEP in February, but the evaluation continues whether to deny or approve the permit./about 30 people attended a public hearing Wednesday night at South Side Area High School to offer their opinions on the permit renewal. If the permit is approved, it will be the last one needed as First Energy has announced its plan to close the Bruce Mansfield plant in 2021 and the Little Blue Run stopped receiving coal ash shipments at the end of 2016.