Against the backdrop of the pandemic, people of Pennsylvania have been reaching out for an extra beer or two to help them pass the time. TOP Data conducted a study and found that alcohol consumption across the country has gone up by 19% since the pandemic started. Bud Light was revealed as the most purchased beer in Pennsylvania during the pandemic.
Overall Key Findings:
- 262% Countrywide Increase in Online Alcohol Sales
- 19% Increase in American Alcohol Consumption during the pandemic
- 41% Increase in instances of Woman drinking 4 drinks or more a day
Pennsylvania’s Most Purchased Beers
- Bud Light
- Miller Lite
- Stella
- Budweiser
- Heineken
Find out what other states are drinking through, TOP Data’s Beer Report which has been published, revealing that Budweiser still reigns supreme as America’s king of beers, coming top in 23 states.