(Matt Drzik/Beaver County Radio)
At the Beaver County Commissioners’ final work session for November 2023, the trio learned about the numbers for the proposed 2024 budget that is ready for a primary vote.
According to Corey Troutman, the chief financial advisor for Beaver County, $82,668,000 will be in the General Fund as stated in the proposed budget, including $2.7 million in capital request money. Solicitor Garen Fedeles noted that the millage for next year would be at 3.67 for 2024. “To really be clear with everyone, that 3.67 is not a tax increase,” Fedeles said. “That is just resetting the millage to bring in the revenue that we currently do right now with the current millage.”
Fedeles also mentioned that there is a chance that less revenue for the County for 2024 is a possibility based on the still ongoing appeals and finalization for the assessed values of properties in Beaver County. The proposed budget will be one of 23 resolutions to be voted on at Thursday’s Public Meeting.
Also at the Wednesday work session, Public Works director Dan Colville said that there will be a custom-made skirt for the tree outside the courthouse; custom-made since the purchase of one would cost $800. It was also mentioned to Treasurer Sandie Egley that the benches on courthouse property will be replaced with metal benches over the next several weeks.
Commissioner Jack Manning congratulated the three teams who made it to the WPIAL championships in football, lauding South Side for a strong season despite losing in the Class 1A Championship, and honoring the victors of the Class 2A and Class 4A championship games: Beaver Falls and Aliquippa, respectively.
The next Commissioners’ work session is scheduled for December 6 at 10:00 AM.