City of Beaver Falls Police Captain Retiring

(Photo of Captain Tom Lococo in 2018 when he received the Howard Murray award as a Sergeant.  He is standing with Beaver County District Attorney David Lozier. Photo courtesy of City of Beaver Falls Police Chief David Johnson)

Story by Sandy Giordano, Beaver County Radio News Correspondent

(Beaver Falls, Pa.) City of Beaver Falls Police CaptainTom Lococo  recently submitted his letter of retirement to the Beaver Falls City Council. He said last week he has   worked in many capacities in the law enforcement team of 19, including Chief Dave Johnson.
Captain Lococo said in an exclusive interview with Sandy Giordano that he likes working on criminal investigations. The last  homicide he worked on was in 2016 with Beaver County Detective Pat Young. Javonte Eric Simmons was murdered  by Tyrone Savage in Morado Dwellings at a  New Year’s Day barbecue.

Lococo’s last day is  March 15, 2022. He  resides in Moon Township, and graduated  from the Allegheny County Police Academy in North Park  in 1996, he graduated from West Allegheny High School in 1994.