Christiana, Rossi Face Off In 15th Legislative District Debate at Penn State-Beaver Campus

State Rep Jim Christiana , a Republican,  faced off in a debate last night with  his Democratic challenger Mike Rossi at Penn State Beaver. Christiana is running for a new 2 year term, he’s been in office 8 years.  This is Rossi’s first run for the office. Rossi was president of Center Area School District’s school board when they merged with Monaca, and lost the  next election .  He’s a retired steelworker,  was a union  man, and said he’s spent  his whole life fighting for the middle class.” Beaver County Radio News Correspondent Sandy Giordano was at the debate last night and reports that Christiana wants to eliminate property taxes . He said, “I hate what it does to families”; every time the subject comes up I support any replacement over the tax”. His challenger, Rossi said I’m all for eliminating  the tax, too, but you have to have a backup plan”.  Rossi said  there has to be a reliable plan, and both men agreed there has to be transparency.  The democrat brought up the issue of charter schools , and that there has to be regulations , and the money has to be put back in public education.  He said there are millions unaccounted for. Christiana said there’s been  $1 billion in cuts over the years.