Beaver Falls Council Honors Two More Service Milestones, Acknowledges Little Tigers Football Crowd Issues

(Matt Drzik/Beaver County Radio)

Tuesday night’s Beaver Falls City Council Meeting showcased the two pillars of modern government–honoring the good things that have been accomplished, and trying to make the best decision regarding things that aren’t as good.

Just three weeks after City Clerk Paula Durish was recognized for 45 years of service in the city, two more city employees–Cindy Borghi and Bob Justison–were honored with plaques and special recognition for also hitting the 45 year mark. Longtime council members Leonard Chiappetta and John “Chuckie” Kirkland presented Borghi and Justison with their respective commemorations.

Conversely; a resolution was approved for the Police Department to enforce crowd control at the Beaver Falls Little Tigers football team games, though Mayor Kenya Johns made it clear that she hopes that the organization will ultimately call the shots in the future. “We really care about the kids and all of you who invest your time and your energy,” she stated, “but we really ask that the school can come up with a better plan that’s fair and equivalent for you guys to not have to be doing a ‘Hail Mary’ at the last minute.” Johns said that the city will cover the funding for two of the upcoming games requested by the organization as part of the resolution.

The Council also approved the resignation of Street Department worker William Gardner effective on October 28, as well as the purchase of two properties–one on 2nd Avenue and another on 4th Avenue. Community Development director Rochelle Burks announced that the Community Newsletter had made progress, and that she is hoping the first edition of the new publication is released in October. City Manager Charles Jones announced that Phase 2 of the Library Park construction has been given the green light, and hinted at further details about “promising business leads” over the next several weeks.

The next Beaver Falls council meeting is scheduled for September 27 at 7:00 PM at the City Building.