Beaver County Residents Invited To Open House At The Courthouse Today For Long-Term Transportation Projects

Beaver County residents will have the chance today to learn more about long-range plans for major roadways like Route 65 at an open house at the county courthouse. Today’s open house is designed to solicit input on long-term transportation projects in Beaver County. County Commissioner Tony Amadio explains how this whole thing came about…

County Commissioner Tony Amadio was asked by Frank Sparks during last week’s ‘Ask The Commissioners’ segment on Teleforum where he sees transportation going 25 years from now…

County Commissioner’s chairman Dan Camp was asked by Frank Sparks during last week’s ‘Ask The Commissioners’ segment on Teleforum where he sees transportation going 25 years from now…

County Commissioner Tony Amadio says he believes light rail is the future of transportation in Beaver County…

County Commissioner’s chairman Dan Camp says he believes the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission is going to bring transportation into the future in Beaver County…

County Commissioner Tony Amadio says hills are the biggest obstacle when it comes to transportation in this area…

Today’s meeting will be held at the Beaver County Courthouse, inside the commissioner’s meeting room. The meeting will run from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m…but it will be structured in a format where residents can show up and participate at any time between those hours. Beaver County Radio News Correspondent Sandy Giordano will be there and will a complete report for us tomorrow morning on AM Beaver County.

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