Beaver County Commissioners Consider Higher Fees To Raise Money

During this morning’s work session at the Beaver County Courthouse, the county commissioners discussed with director of liquid fuels Tammy Frank the implementation of a five-dollar fee for motor vehicle registration.  According to Beaver County Radio’s Greg Benedetti, the fee would be added to the statement vehicle owners receive from PennDOT. The commissioners plan to vote on a resolution next week, making the fee effective April 1st. The registration fee would generate 600-thousand dollars for the county. Director of weights and measures Ron Zucarro  recommended a fee for inspecting scales and gas pumps. Scales would be charged 35 dollars. There are approximately 14-hundred-50 scales in the county. Gas pumps would be charged 30 dollars per grade of gasoline. The two fees would generate between 30 and 40-thousand dollars for the county.