(Matt Drzik/Beaver County Radio)
When Commissioner Chairman Dan Camp spoke of the fervent backlash he received from Beaver County citizens about the proposed changes by the Beaver County Transit Authority, it turns out he wasn’t exaggerating.
Dozens of County residents arrived at the BCTA headquarters on West Washington Street in Rochester on Monday night to hear in detail about the changes that are being proposed, but have not yet been put into action, by the Transit Authority. General Manager Mary Jo Morandini was the head speaker for the meeting, and she described the new plans-to-be for the routes in current use.
One of these proposed changes is on Route 11, in which the Drug & Alcohol stop will be removed and replaced with a stop at the Beaver Valley Mall, as explained by GM Morandini:

Among other proposed changes include the removal of the 6:20 and 6:45 trips on Route 3 in lieu of one 6:30 trip, and having the last Route 1 bus out of Pittsburgh leaving at 7:00pm instead of 8:00 where it currently stands.
The backlash towards the new proposals, and even Morandini herself, came early and often throughout the rest of the evening. A variety of responses came out in regards to the issues it would cause, including one who was wondering how he could leave his job in Pittsburgh if the 8:00pm bus on Route 1 was cut…
…another who felt the Drug & Alcohol stop is a populous one that needed to stay…
…and one woman who felt that the BCTA was convenient enough as it was and that the changes would be potentially inconvenient:
Others chose to heave their backlash onto Morandini, whose lack of dependency on using the BCTA buses and business-first attitude were called out on the carpet:
Those with further complaints to the BCTA can submit them up until 3:00pm on February 19th. The changes, if passed will go into effect sometime during Spring of this year.