AUDIO: New Brady’s Run Development, County Auction Among Subjects At Commissioners’ Work Section

In contrast to prior weeks, the weekly work session for the Beaver County Commissioners at the Beaver County Courthouse was quite lengthy, clocking in around 30-35 minutes.

The first half of the meeting was devoted to the announcement of a new development plan in Brady’s Run, and Tim Ishman, the Beaver County Director of Parks & Recreation, spoke about the purpose of the new development:


Furthermore, the new plan would also give renovation to the recycling center at Brady’s Run, a necessity spoken about by Holly Vogt, the director of the Beaver County Department of Waste Management:


The commissioners agreed to further pursuit of this new development project.

During the second half of the meeting, a number of subjects were further discussed, including the pending countywide auction on unused property, of which Assistant Solicitor Nate Morgan had an update:


The commissioners then went into executive session following the public work session.