Ambridge Council Welcomes New Mayor and Two New Councilwomen

(File Photo)
Story by Sandy Giordano, Beaver County Radio News Correspondent
Wednesday, January 5, 2022 at 10:28 AM
(Ambridge, Pa.) Gerald “Duke” McCoy was sworn as Ambridge’s new mayor at the Monday night council meeting. Two new councilwomen Beth DeVincent and Mary Jane Gilliam were also sworn in.

Mayor McCoy, who is 80 said in a phone interview he served 16 years on council, took a break for 2 years and ran for mayor. He got married on Labor Day 2021, his first wife died in 2016.
He said his goal is to work with Police Chief John DeLuca to fight the borough’s drug problem. He added, the mayor and council should work together to move Ambridge forward.”