(Matt Drzik/Beaver County Radio)
It was announced last night at a public meeting at the Beaver Falls Municipal Building that PENNDOT will be beginning a year-long revamping of 7th Avenue in Beaver Falls, which carries the main traffic as part of PA State Route 18.
The head speaker for the meeting was Project Manager Matt Boyko, who talked about the main purpose of the new project:

The new roadway will turn the now four-lane highway into a 3-lane highway, which will include parallel parking from 3rd Street to 8th Street, and new reverse “back-in” parking from 8th Street to 20th Street (referred to by Boyko as the “main business district”). It will also feature bike lanes for bicyclists and “bump stops” at each intersection to help minimize congestion.
As extensive a project as it is, Boyko says that it will not force any detours in downtown Beaver Falls:
During the public meeting, Boyko mentioned that it will be a multi-million dollar project:
When taking questions, it was made clear that special events (such as the Car Cruise) will not have to worry about construction if plans are made ahead of time:
Despite the emphasis on safety and reinvigoration, there was some concern among the attendees. One made clear his feelings that citizens navigate 7th Avenue just fine as it is:
Another woman raised her concerns involving delivery trucks in the city:
The construction is set to begin in mid-April of 2019 and expected to last throughout the majority of the year. Photos below feature examples and further details of what travelers can expect.