11-25-23 LISTINGS

You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009



Rich (from Industry)   724-643-4389

Like new. Beautiful white wooden Chest of Drawers in great condition.  40” H X 30” W X 17” D.  PRICE:  $50.00

Budweiser blow up blimp with the year 2000 on it.  About 30” long.  In great shape.

PRICE: $30.00

Empire brand Outdoor Nativity Set made of Blow mold (hard plastic).  Lights up.  About 2 1/2′ feet tall. In real good shape.  Includes Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus.

PRICE: $65.00

Hudson Valley 7 ½’ Christmas tree.  Branches go all the way to the floor (no stick showing). It is attached to an Easy Rotate Christmas Tree stand that slowly turns around. (the stand alone retails at WalMart for 100.95)  PRICE: Get BOTH for only $150.00


Jeff    724-573-4416

2 Paper Shredders 1 regular Max shredder and 1 cross-shredder.  Both work  PRICE: 5.00 each


Howie      724-774-6397

30 unbuilt Classic Car Models.

1/24th & 1/25th scale.  The cars are from the 30’s & 40’s like a 1940 Ford, 1948 Ford, 1937 Chevy.  A few are from the 50’s.  PRICE:  Make an offer

100 Cowboy DVD’s from the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s.  Stars like John Wayne, Johnny Mack Brown, Hoot Gibson. PRICE: make an offer

Cross Mechanical Pen & Pencil Sets.  Solid Chrome.  Great gift!

PRICE: make an offer

Scale Auto Magazines from 1986-2003.  PRICE: make an offer


Val     724-513-9390

Sports Trading Cards  in perfect condition stored in albums.

PRICE: $1.00 each or deal for the whole album.

Canadian Lynx full length Fur Coat.  Size 8 (small-medium)

PRICE: make a reasonable offer

Lots of Christmas items: gifts, trees, wreaths, décor, ornaments.  Must see.

PRICE: make a reasonable offer

Fine Bone China.  Lenox or Noritake.  Many place settings-Purchase just what you need.



YANKEE TRADER 11-18-23 Listings

11-18-23 Listings

You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009


From: Brenda Pieprzyk <bcpepsic@yahoo.com>
Phone number: 7243123812

Item:Bedroom Suite- modern country style

–Armoire 2’9.5″ wide x 4’6″ high
–Chest of drawers with lighted mirror
–Full Bed frame w/ lightrd bookshelf



Josephine   724-378-8972

Oak Finish Electric “Compact Furnace”.  Can be used to heat any room.  Thermostatically controlled. Works fine

PRICE: $200.00

Vintage Christmas Villages.  15+ years old. PRICE: $15.00 each set.


Victor  724-495-3133

Black Rotary dial desk phone

Brown Rotary dial wall phone

PRICE:  Make an offer.


Bob 724-843-1132

Golf Clubs for a girl 7-8 years old.  Like new Pink Bag.

PRICE: $30.00

Golf Carry Bag for 10-12 year old girl.  Blu & green design  PRICE:  $25.00

Size 7 Woman’s Ice Skates.  White color.  Only worn once.  Like NEW.  PRICE:  $25.00

Craftsman Floor Model Jigsaw.  PRICE:  $125.00


Howie      724-774-6397

30 unbuilt Classic Car Models.

1/24th & 1/25th scale.  The cars are from the 30’s & 40’s like a 1940 Ford, 1948 Ford, 1937 Chevy.  A few are from the 50’s.  PRICE:  Make an offer

Cross Mechanical Pen & Pencil Sets.  Solid Chrome.  Great gift!

PRICE: make an offer

Scale Auto Magazines from 1986-2003.  PRICE: make an offer


Mike (Hopewell)  724-375-7958

2 2-piece Hunting Outfits.  Size large.  Heavy pants and jacket. Worn only 2 times.  PRICE: $75.00 each

Craftsman Snowblower clears a 26” path.  9HP Electric start.  Self propelled.

In perfect working order.  PRICE: $200.00


Joe (Aliquippa) 724-513-9790

2 Arctic Claw Snow tires. 175-65-15  Mounted on rims for a Mini Cooper.  Tread depth is 9/32.  PRICE: $175 for the pair.


2 Gold Wing Motorcycles (These have been sitting for several years)  1 is a 1980 Gl1100.  The other is a complete 1983 G1100 Interstate. This is a “parts” bike.   PRICE: $1,000 OBO for the pair.


Don (New Sewickley Twp.)  724-728-0730

Solid (medium color) Oak Queen Size Bed with full size headboard (57” high X 64” wide) Also includes footboard sideboards and steel supports. 8-10 posts on the corners with balls. PRICE: $200.00


Timothy (Ohio) 330-716-1451

4 Tires on wheels for a Boat Trailer.  Size 4.80-8 with 4 lug holes.

Brand New.  PRICE: $50.00 each

“Harbor Master Trailable” Boat Cover fits a 14’-15’ boat.  Brand New.  PRICE: $20.00


Rich (Center Twp) 724-371-7939

Beautifully ornate black iron and glass items:

  • Coffee Table 30” X 56” X 20” high. ½” thick beveled glass.
  • 3’ Iron lamp
  • 25” X 25” X 25” high end table
  • Black Iron Candlestick.

PRICE: $800.00 OBO


Timothy (Ohio) 330-716-1451

4 Tires on wheels for a Boat Trailer.  Size 4.80-8 with 4 lug holes.

Brand New.  PRICE: $50.00 each

“Harbor Master Trailable” Boat Cover fits a 14’-15’ boat.  Brand New.  PRICE: $20.00



Val 724-513-9390  Any reasonable offers accepted.

Storage Cabinet for 24 VHS tapes. Also has 2 drawers. PRICE: $25.00

Panasonic Landline Cordless telephones.  5 handsets, 2 dial pads. Includes answering machine, redial, speakerphone & caller ID.     PRICE:  $99.00

Lenox fine bone China.  21 5-piece place settings.  Very elegant with Gold & black trim.    PRICE:  $79.00/place setting.  Purchase however many you need.

Lots of Christmas items: Multiple trees, wreaths, wooden deer centerpiece, vintage glass ornaments and many Christmas gift items.  PRICE:  Best offer

YANKEE TRADER 10-28-23 Listings

You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009


10-28-23 listings


Mary Kay      724-375-7636

Full Couch and Love Seat.  Beige with some brown & Rust colors.  Excellent condition.  PRICE:   $250.00 for both pieces.


Mike (Hopewell)      724-375-7958

Craftsman Snowblower clears a 26” path.  9HP Electric start.  In perfect working order.  PRICE: $200.00

“Smoke Hollow” Grill/Smoker combo. Use with Charcoal for the smoker and gas for the grill.  Like new.  (Over $450 new)  PRICE:  $250.00



Diane   724-774-1671

King Size quilted bedspread with shams and pillows. Burgundy and cream color.  PRICE: $10.00

Way to Go Steelers package:  Two Myron Cope Official Terrible Towels.  (Online they are $10 each),

Two big 3” buttons-“LUV YA BLACK & GOLD” and “HERE WE GO”.  Plus, black & gold football beads.

PRICE:  $10.00 for ALL

Beautiful 12” glass serving dish w a center handle also made of glass.  Dish is trimmed with gold.  PRICE:$5.00

8 PIECE Anchor Hocking Vintage design storage/serving glass dishes.  2 8” rectangular pieces with lids and 2 4” square pieces with lids.  Get that great vintage look with the convenience of modern features as they are oven, microwave and freezer safe.   PRICE: $5.00



Howie      724-774-6397

Scale Auto Magazines from 1986-2003.  PRICE: make an offer


Larry        724-774-1671      Small White Upright FRIGIDAIRE freezer.  Works just fine.    59″ high, 28″ wide, 29″ deep.

PRICE:  $100 OBO


Val      724-513-9390    Reasonable offers accepted.

12 quart Vollrath Brand commercial grade cooking pot.  PRICE: $125.00


Lenox Fine Bone China Eclipse Pattern.  21 5-piece place settings.  PRICE: $79.00 per pace setting.   Accessory pieces also available.


Wall Paintings.  Choose from watercolors, oils and prints.  Reasonable offers accepted.


Canadian Lynx full length Fur Coat.  Size 8   PRICE:  $2,200


Chuck (Negley OH)      330-227-9955

Ridgid brand pancake portable air compressor.  PRICE: $30.00

Ridgid brand Wheelbarrow portable air compressor. PRICE: $70.00

Coats brand Tire Changer.  Take tire off & on rims with this tool.  PRICE: $50.00

2 1960’s Bumper jacks.  Pump style that fits slotted bumpers.  Fix ‘em up.

PRICE:  $20.00 for both


Don ( New Sewickley Twp)      724-728-0730

Solid Oak Connonball QUEEN size bed.  Headboard, sideboards, footboard and support frame.  5’ high X 5’ wide.  Take 2 people to carry headboard.  In excellent condition.   PRICE: $200.00


Lunde brand padded boat seat on a pedestal.  It also folds down.  Great condition, no wear or tears.  PRICE: $20.00



Ed (Freedom)      724-622-8072

Solid wood, white Headboard with ball posts.  Fits full or queen size beds.  PRICE:  $50.00

Push lawnmower with bagger.  Great shape.  22” cut.  PRICE:  $60.00

YANKEE TRADER 10-21-23 Listings

10/21/23 LISTINGS


You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009

10/21/23 LISTINGS

MOVING SALE. Saturday October 28, 2023 from 9-3.

Everything must go.  1115 8th St. New Brighton  15066


Pat      724-709-0125

Oak Dining Table w large leaf, China Closet and 4 chairs.  Seats 4-7.

PRICE:  $300. OBO

Electric Fireplace Insert with simulated flames.  Heats a 12 X 15 foot room easily.  PRICE:  $25 OBO


Jeff      724-573-4416

Man’s Quartz Bulova Watch.  Still in box with original purchase receipt ($340) in 1992.  The band is gold and the clock face is black with a diamond at the 12.  Probably needs a battery.

PRICE:  $150. OBO

Blue with tiny floral pattern cushioned Rocker Glider in great condition

PRICE:  $45.00

LOOKING TO BUY (LTB)a Lincoln NIG welder SP170t OR SP175t.


Cheryl      724-573-9307

2 Bradford Exchange Glass Ornament Sets.

  • 1st set is Wolves PRICE: $30.00
  • 2nd set is Elvis Presley: $30.00

Masonic Jigsaw puzzle with Mason insignia.  Brand new-never opened.  38” X 53”    PRICE: $10.00

George & Martha Washington Collector’s glass Sugar and Creamer set.  Trimmed in 22 ct. gold.  Marked “Crest O Gold” company.

PRICE: $20.00

10/21/23   #2 continued



Val   724-513-9390

Lots of Halloween items: Costumes, masks, etc.  Check ‘em out.

Variety of Table Lamps.

  • Brass are $40 – $50 and Milk Glass are $20 – $25.

Presentation Report Covers with clear fronts.  PRICE:  .50 each.

Seashells from small to 8” conch shells.  Will send photos if you like.  Reasonable Offers accepted.


From: Bob radiobob101@yahoo.com

Phone number: 724-419-6115

Item: Over 100 DVDs in excellent condition. Big Variety. Just to name a few  Pgh.Steelers, Star Trek, Star Wars, Bruce Willis, James Bond and many more  Price:75.00


Ed (from Freedom)      724-622-8072

Kitchen Dining sets.  Both are in great condition.

  • Blonde & white wood Farm-style table with 6 chairs plus a storage seating bench. PRICE:  $170.00 for all.

Will sell bench separately if needed.

  • Dark wood round table with 4 chairs. PRICE: $100.00


2 Wood & glass Curio Cabinets (flat backs) with mirrors.

PRICE: $50.00 each OBO


LOOKING TO BUY a table top or on wheels Tool Chest with drawers.


10/21/23  #3 continued


Rich (Aliquippa)      724-378-3713    2 black Golf Bags.  1 large & 1 junior.  PRICE:  $25.00 each


NIB (New  in Box) 5 piece brass fireplace tool set.  Price; $25.00


Large selection of Hubcaps from 1960-1990.  Add to your collection or get what’s missing from your vehicle.  PRICES vary.


Movie screen on a tripod.  You can hang it from ceiling or use the tripod.  Used only 1 time.  PRICE:  $30.00


Howie      724-774-6397  30 unbuilt Classic Car Models.

1/24th & 1/25th scale.  The cars are from the 30’s & 40’s like a 1940 Ford, 1948 Ford, 1937 Chevy.  A few are from the 50’s.  PRICE:  Make an offer


YANKEE TRADER 10-14-23 Listings

You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009



10-14-23 LISTINGS


Nick (Coraopolis)      412-264-7371

Fiberglass double bowl laundry tub (all one piece) in VERY GOOD condition.   FREE FREE FREE




Howie      724-774-6397  30 unbuilt Classic Car Models.

1/24th & 1/25th scale.  The cars are from the 30’s & 40’s like a 1940 Ford, 1948 Ford, 1937 Chevy.  A few are from the 50’s.  PRICE:  Make an offer




Val      724-513-9390  Costumes-perfect for Halloween

  • A High School graduation cap and Gown.
  • A Soccer Player outfit. Including shin guards.

Any reasonable offer accepted.


5 Insulated Styrofoam containers.  15 X 15 X 10.  Keep hot things HOT or cold things COLD.  PRICE:  $10.00 each


Large gold framed Victorian Mirror    PRICE: $119.00

Other mirrors available in a variety of shapes & sizes.  Come check ‘em out!


Heavy Duty 10X15 slightly used envelopes.

PRICE: .40 each




Kenny      724-843-5819

2014 Suzuki Berkman Motor Scooter.  Will get up to 95 or a hundred MPH.  Gets about 60 MPG.  Silver color.  Has approximately 5,000 miles on it.  (new: $8,000)   Has lots of storage under the seat.  You do not have to throw your leg over anything, just step right on.  Automatic transmission-NO SHIFTING GEARS!

PRICE: $3,000




Betsy      724-843-0774

Wood Lathe   PRICE: $250.00 OBO


Pipe Stand and Pipe Threader  PRICE: $250.00 OBO

YANKEE TRADER 10-7-23 Listings

You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009



10-07-23 LISTINGS



Val   724-513-9390


Wooden incline exercise slant-board.  It is padded with foot straps.  Quite comfortable.   PRICE: $50.00


John Burkett autograph card in great condition.  PRICE: $20.00


Upholstered Chair with wood trim in a solid neutral color.  Perfect for any room.  PRICE: $90.00


Noritake China w mauve/blue flower design.

12 Place settings.  PRICE: $500.00




Bob 724-843-1132

Golf Clubs for a girl 7-8 years old.  Like new Pink Bag.

PRICE: $30.00


Golf Carry Bag for 10-12 year old girl.  Blu & green design  PRICE:  $25.00


Size 7 Woman’s Ice Skates.  White color.  Only worn once.  Like NEW.  PRICE:  $25.00


Brand new 5-gallon buckets.  PRICE:  $1.00 each

YANKEE TRADER 9-30-23 listings

You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009


9-30-23 LISTINGS




Val      724-513-9390


1700 Sports Trading Cards all in albums in pristine condition.  Primarily baseball and football.  PRICE:  Purchase by the album or individual cards for $1.00 each.


10 X 15  Expanding File Folders  Some expand 2” others 3 ½”.

PRICE: $1.00 each


GT Rebound Man’s Bike.  Blue.  Purchased at Snitgers’s.  Very good quality bicycle.  PRICE: $200.00


Over 100 pieces of costume jewelry.  Pick out a perfect item for your outfit.  PRICE:  Make an offer on individual or ALL pieces.




SOLD Tony      724-770-0762   Tool box that opens to 3 tiers FULL of tools for an electrician or handyman.  PRICE: $50.00 for all.



Leah      724-630-4406

2 Couches

  • 1 has recliners at both ends. Tan velvet.   PRICE: $75.00
  • 1 is a regular sofa with red, brown & blue flowers. PRICE: $40.00



Dave (Beaver Falls)      724-843-8483


2 pairs of roof racks.

  • Aluminum Hauler racks for a van PRICE: $25.00
  • This set is black steel tubes that clamp on the roof of a current model car PRICE: $20.00

YANKEE TRADER 09-23-23 Listings

You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009


09-23-23 LISTINGS




Brady      724-843-8071      2 Plastic Dog houses for most any size dog.

1 is Igloo shaped and the other is house shaped.  PRICE: FREE FREE FREE




Clint      412-974-1350   Cast Iron Fireplace/firestove on legs with door that closes. There is a screen so you can enjoy it with the door open-even cook hot dogs or toast marshmallows!  Some accessories are included.  Use it in any room of your home or basement or camp.  PRICE: $200.00




Val     724-513-9390


Wooden incline exercise slant-board.  It is padded with foot straps.  Quite comfortable.   PRICE: $50.00

Panasonic Landline Cordless telephones.  5 handsets, 2 dial pads. Includes answering machine, redial, speakerphone & caller ID.     PRICE:  $99.00

1000 Sports Trading Cards all in albums in pristine condition.  Primarily baseball and football.  PRICE:  Purchase by the album or individual cards for $1.00 each.

Lenox fine bone China.  21 5-piece place settings.  Very elegant with Gold & black trim.    PRICE:  $79.00/place setting.  Purchase however many you need.



Ellen (Beaver Falls)    724-843-6827

40” Round wrought iron black patio table with hole for your umbrella.  Includes 4 wrought iron chairs.  PRICE: $40.00 for all 5 pieces.



Howie      724-774-6397        Every episode from every season of CHEERS on DVD.   PRICE:  Make an offer




Rich (Aliquippa)      724-378-3713    2 black Golf Bags.  1 large & 1 junior.  PRICE:  $25.00 each


NIB (New  in Box) 5 piece brass fireplace tool set.  Price; $25.00


Large selection of hubcaps from 1960-1990.  Add to your collection or get what’s missing from your vehicle.  PRICES vary.


Movie screen on a tripod.  You can hang it from ceiling or use the tripoD.  Used only 1 time.  PRICE:  $30.00

09-16-23 LISTINGS

09-16-23 LISTINGS


You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009



Pat      724-709-0125  Wagner Paint Sprayer Flexio 2500.  Brand new.  Just fill with paint & plug it in.     PRICE: $20.00

09-09-23 LISTINGS

09-09-23 LISTINGS


Gary (Ammerman   ammer@verizon.net)  724-775-4796

Vinyl Works Model AF pool Ladder.  Like new condition

 Swimming pool diatomaceous filter and pump with electric motor  PRICE:  $100.00


Closing pool for good: all items for sale


Jeanne      724-494-4985


2 Dark Walnut Chest of Drawers.  One has 6 drawers and the other one has 5.

PRICE: $50.00 each


Rocker Recliner Blue/Tan tweed fabric.    PRICE: $80.00


SOLD Twin Size Single Bed with Headboard and footboard made of lighter colored Walnut.

PRICE: $25.00


Gas Grill/ cover and tank included.  PRICE: $60.00


Pat      724-709-0125

Thomas Kincaide Large framed & matted print. “Home Town Morning” looks like New Brighton in the 40’s & 50’s.  This picture is numbered and signed by Thomas Kincaide.

At 44”wide X 35”high it is perfect over a fireplace, behind a couch or on any large wall.

PRICE:  $100 OBO


Kenny      724-843-5819

2014 Suzuki Berkman Motor Scooter.  Will get up to 95 or a hundred MPH.  Gets about 60 MPG.  Silver color.  Has approximately 5,000 miles on it.  (new: $8,000)   Has lots of storage under the seat.  You do not have to throw your leg over anything, just step right on.  Automatic transmission-NO SHIFTING GEARS!

PRICE: $3,000


Patty      724-573-4416


3 Living room Stacking Tables with marble tops and wooden legs from the late 60’s or early 70’s.  Takes up a small amount of room, but conveniently accommodates drinks or snacks when you have company or are watching TV.



Glider Rocker with blue cushions and wooden frame.  Very Good condition.  PRICE: $35.00


Man’s Black Leather Wilson brand  sports jacket (blazer).  Size small.  Excellent condition  PRICE: $80.00


Marilyn (Fallston)      724-622-7957


2 dozen baskets of all shapes & sizes.  Perfect as catch-alls, storage, or for flower arrangements.  All good quality.  PRICE:  $8.00 for small and Larger ones are $20.00.    Will negotiate for multiple quantities.