South Beaver Township Volunteer Fire Department gets $10,000 grant from Norfolk Southern to buy cameras to keep the community safe

(File Photo of Norfolk Southern train)

Noah Haswell, Beaver County Radio News

(South Beaver Township, PA) According to a Facebook post from the South Beaver Township Volunteer Fire Department, Norfolk Southern gave the South Beaver fire department a $10,000 grant. The department will use this money to buy Seek Thermal Imaging cameras that are brand new to keep their community protected in the future.



PennDOT announces drilling and survey work on Chapel Road in Hopewell and Center Townships weather permitting

(File Photo: Caption for Photo: PennDOT, PSP, PTC, Construction Industry Highlight National Work Zone Awareness Week)

Noah Haswell, Beaver County Radio News

(Hopewell Township, PA) PennDOT District 11 announces that on Chapel Road in Hopewell and Center Townships, drilling and survey work will begin weather permitting on Monday, December 30th.

Through late January on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., single-lane alternating traffic in several locations on the road between Brodhead Road and Old Brodhead Road will occur.

Pennsylvania State Beaver arrest an Aliquippa woman for driving under the influence in Raccoon Township

(File Photo of Pennsylvania State Trooper Badge)

Noah Haswell, Beaver County Radio News

(Raccoon Township, PA) Pennsylvania State Police in Beaver reported that an Aliquippa woman was arrested for driving under the influence in Raccoon Township. At around 8:13 p.m. on September 22nd, 2024, thirty-five-year-old Amanda Selinsky of Aliquippa was driving her 2010 Chevrolet Cobalt on 283 Holt Road under the influence of alcohol. After investigating the incident, police arrested Selinsky for DUI.

Beaver County Chamber Monday Memo: 12/30/24

Kick-off 2025 by taking advantage of a FREE networking opportunity!

Join us on Friday, January 10th, for the first B-Club of the year, Speed Networking style. Accelerate your business contacts and exchange information efficiently.

Practice your business commercials and bring a supply of business cards!

Breakfast & coffee provided.

Interested in a sponsorship?

Email Molly at

Presenting – $1,000 (LIMIT 1)- Welcome the crowd to the event and 3-5 minutes to talk about your business.

– Company logo included in all event marketing

– Company provided banner at event

– Attendee list sent after event

Gold – $750

– Company logo included in all event marketing

– Company logo displayed at breakfast buffet

– One Social post after event

Silver – $500

– Company logo included in all event marketing

– Company logo displayed at registration table

Bronze – $250

– Company name included on Chamber website

Beat the winter blues and join us for a new twist on networking with ax throwing! Your ticket includes ax throwing, appetizers, and drinks.

HURRY – Space is limited! As a courtesy to our members, you have early-bird access to tickets. On January 2, any remaining tickets will be open to the general public.

DATE: Monday, Jan 27, 2025

TIME: 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM EST

LOCATION: Beaver County Ax Throwing Company

145 Brighton Ave, Rochester, PA 15074

COST: Member | $20 ; Non-member | $40

Register here for Ax Throwing
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Join us for a Fun Snacks & Apps Recipe Swap!

Join us for an evening of delicious bites, great company, giveaways and wellness screenings! Join us at our Snacks & Apps Recipe Swap hosted by Dr. Beth Aiken at Riverside Family Chiropractic (78 Tuscarawas Road, Beaver) on January 16th, 5:30 – 7:30 pm.

Share a recipe of your favorite appetizer or snack, bring a sample to share and take home copies of the recipes enjoyed! It’s the perfect chance to relax, mingle and discover how we can help you feel your best.

Spots are limited, so RSVP by 1/9 to secure your place! 724-709-7793 or

Now Hiring! Want to see a list of job postings from members? Don’t forget to add your own posting to the job postings portal on our website.
Jobs Portal
In need of a product or service?
Head to our full membership directory available on
our website, where you will find a trusted partner to
do business with today.
Membership Directory
Beaver County Chamber of Commerce


1000 3rd Street, Suite 2A

Beaver, PA 15009

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Beaver County Chamber of Commerce | 1000 3rd Street Suite 2A | Beaver, PA 15009 U

Duquesne Light reports over 42,000 people without power in Beaver County

(Photo Courtesy of Duquesne Light Company)

Beaver County Radio News

(Beaver County, PA) According to Duquesne Light, as of 8:15 a.m., there are over 42,000 people experiencing a power outage in Beaver County. Outages occurred because of forceful winds last night. The map of the locations experiencing power outages is available by visiting this website:



Advice for Pennsylvania seniors this winter to avoid falls

(File Photo: Caption for Photo: Winter Driving)

(Reported by Danielle Smith of Keystone News Service)

(Harrisburg, PA) As winter sets in in Pennsylvania, it’s crucial to be cautious of fall hazards, especially for seniors. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports in one recent year, more than six hundred and sixteen thousand older adults reported taking a fall in Pennsylvania. Dr. Gwen Bergen with the CDC says falls and motor vehicle crashes are the two leading causes of injury and death among seniors. She suggests getting an eye exam and doing strength-building exercises to improve balance and prevent injuries. Bergen also recommends consulting with a health-care provider about potential side effects of medications that can affect balance or driving ability. There may be alternatives or adjustments to minimize these risks.

Antiques that keep ticking in the Pennsylvania Capitol

File Photo: Source for Photo: Bethany Gill winds a clock in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court chamber, Dec. 13, 2024, in Harrisburg, Pa. It’s one of 273 clocks in Pennsylvania’s ornate state Capitol complex buildings that must be wound by hand. (AP Photo/Marc Levy)

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Capitol buildings are almost always an imposing presence. The seat of government, they tend to be elegant and stately — and frequently capped by a dome.

Visitors to Pennsylvania ‘s Capitol are drawn to its priceless artwork, polished marble and intricate carvings, but hidden behind the doors of some of its most ornate offices and chambers are another treasure: hundreds of antique clocks that were part of its original design.

The 273 working clocks include many that are integrated into fireplace mantels and other building features.

They are not low maintenance, requiring regular oiling and occasional mechanical overhauls.

And every week, in a throwback to a time before wristwatches and cellphones, clock winders roam the halls — ensuring the century-plus-old timekeepers keep ticking.

On a recent morning, Bethany Gill demonstrated how it’s done — going room to room with an array of ladders and custom tools. She opens the glass covers, rotates the mechanisms enough to keep them going for about a week and checks their accuracy before moving on to the next one.

Gill is a former art student who works for Johnson & Griffiths Studio, a Harrisburg firm that just received a five-year, $526,000 winding and maintenance contract renewal from the Capitol Preservation Committee.

She’s also a lifelong clock lover who looks forward to the semiannual transitions between daylight saving time and Eastern Standard Time.


“My dad was a clock collector growing up,” Gill said. “And every Sunday we would go around the house and wind the clocks. And that was always just a nice thing that I did with my dad.”

Pennsylvania’s Capitol was crafted by architect Joseph M. Huston, who won its design competition in 1901 with a vision for a temple of democracy — a palace of art that would be as fancy as what could then be found in Europe.

Among countless other fine touches, Huston designed at least 180 custom clock cases, including smaller so-called keystone clocks that are shaped to remind people of Pennsylvania’s early and critical role in the formation of the United States, leaving it with the nickname of the Keystone State.

“The clocks are just part of why the building’s so unique and so intricate,” said Capitol Preservation Committee historian Jason Wilson. “The mantels surrounding the clocks are all custom designed.”

Every so often the clocks, most of them built from mahogany or stained mahogany, are carefully removed from their spots around the Capitol and taken to a facility for cleaning, maintenance and repair. They seem to run better when kept wound.

Huston, the architect, achieved his goal. The Capitol is a showpiece that draws thousands of visitors every year to where 253 state lawmakers convene to debate and pass legislation.

While the buildings and the clocks are his lasting legacy, Huston was convicted of a conspiracy to defraud the state during the Capitol construction project and spent several months in another Pennsylvania landmark, Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia.

PennDOT announces continued Commercial Driver’s License tests at their centers

(File Photo of PennDOT logo)

Noah Haswell, Beaver County Radio News

(Harrisburg, PA) PennDOT announced that a skills test will continue to be included at their Driver’s License Centers. The tests for for commercial driver’s licenses, thanks to the administration of Governor Josh Shapiro. These tests have been used since August 28th, 2023 until now. The waiving of an extension brought by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration also occurred. This was for those who wanted to achieve an endorsement for school busses. This helped to remove a test for these drivers to identify parts of a vehicle that were beneath the hood, which happened through November 27th, 2024.

Testing whether purchased toys are safe after Christmas in Pennsylvania and around the country is occurring

(File Photo: Caption for photo: Young boy playing with educational toys)

(Reported by Danielle Smith of Keystone News Service)

(Harrisburg, PA) As holiday spending in Pennsylvania and across the nation is expected to reach a record high of nearly nine-hundred and eighty-nine billion, there’s no guarantee that everyone who bought toys for the kids in their lives thought about whether they were safe. Many children’s toys are manufactured in other countries, like China and India. Product liability attorney Don Fountain says in their haste to avoid possible Trump administration tariffs, a few safety steps may have been skipped before sending these products to the United States. He believes consumers’ assumptions about toy reliability are not always accurate. The Consumer Product Safety Commission website lists thousands of unsafe or problematic items. Fountain notes complaints listed on the site are due to public grievances, not government detection. Fountain recommends the commission’s website,, to report or search for information about unsafe products.


President Biden given fifteen days to decide whether Nippon Steel of Japan acquiring U.S. Steel works for the company

(File Photo: Source for Photo: FILE – A water tower at United States Steel Corp.’s Edgar Thomson Plant in Braddock, Pa., is seen, Thursday, May 7, 2020. On Sunday, Aug. 13, 2023, U.S. Steel said that it rejected a $7.3 billion buyout proposal from rival Cleveland Cliffs and was reviewing “strategic alternatives” after receiving several unsolicited offers. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar, File)

Noah Haswell, Beaver County Radio News

(Pittsburgh, PA) Nippon Steel now has just over two weeks to think about acquiring U.S. Steel after the President of the United States processes the addition of U.S. Steel for fifteen billion dollars. President Joe Biden now only has fifteen days to refer this matter to determine whether the purchase will be a true trade for the company. On Thursday, Nippon Steel commented in a statement that the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States decided on Monday to analyze gaining U.S. Steel to their company. Nippon Steel will be closing around the opening quarter of 2025. The third or final fourth of this year was the original date that the company was set to be closed.