Wednesday’s AMBC: Mike Rubino Returns

Mike Rubino of the United Way of Beaver County joins Matt Drzik on A.M. Beaver County following the 8:35 news on Wednesday.

Frank Sparks gets the morning started with news at 6:30 on Beaver County Radio.

VIDEO: Beaver Falls Mayor Kenya Johns Looks To Summer Events And To Future “Consistency”

(Matt Drzik/Beaver County Radio)\

“Consistency is key, and from that consistency great things are going to continue to happen.”

Beaver Falls mayor Kenya Johns sat down with Matt Drzik on the May 17 edition of A.M. Beaver County to talk about the upcoming summer in the city, with several major events taking place over the next six weeks. She also discussed the purpose of accountability and the key elements for the city to evolve over the next several weeks.

Those events include the Memorial Day Parade on May 30, the Beaver Falls Car Cruise on June 11, and the city’s first organized Juneteenth celebration. “We’re really excited about that,” Johns said. “We don’t want it to be focused on just the city of Beaver Falls…we want to invite our neighbors to celebrate with us, because Juneteenth is such a historic day.”

To watch the full interview with Mayor Johns, click on the Facebook feed below!

VIDEO: Tony Caltury Talks Lifeguard Shortage, Summer Events, & New Brighton Football

(Matt Drzik/Beaver County Radio)

Tony Caltury, the director of Parks & Recreation in Beaver County–as well as new head football coach in New Brighton–joined Matt Drzik on the May 17 edition of A.M. Beaver County to talk about the upcoming summer in both departments.

It was at last week’s Commissioners’ work session that Caltury first spoke about the shortage of lifeguards on staff at the Old Economy Pool, and the effects it could have on the upcoming opening. The opening is slated for Memorial Day, and he said that the search is still on: “Since it’s a seasonal job, we’re looking for someone from Memorial Day to right around Labor Day when we close the pool. We’re looking for anyone and everyone willing to participate in the lifeguard operations.”

Caltury also mentioned that training for becoming a lifeguard is being provided by the Beaver County YMCA for those who haven’t received it, since it is required for any staff that would be hired by the Old Economy Pool. Those who are already trained and are interested can find applications at the Employment section of the Beaver County website.

Along with the (potential) opening of the pool comes the advent of summertime events, and Caltury spoke about some of the biggest ones coming up–including Beaver County BOOM! on June 25, and the Memorial Day Kickoff for Mines & Meadows in Wampum on May 27. Events can be added for submission at the Events Page at

Though summer is on the horizon, Caltury has one foot in the fall as well–it was announced last month that he accepted the position as the New Brighton succeeding the retired Joe Greco. For the last 13 years, Caltury has been an assistant coach at Central Valley, Western Beaver, Blackhawk, and Aliquippa–bringing a pedigree of success that he looks to transition into his first lead role.

“It’s very exciting,” he said about the opportunity. “The biggest transition is now being the head of booster organizations and building the excitement around the program…it’s all about marketing the program and branding the program where it’s seen throughout all four communities that make up New Brighton School District.”

To watch the full interview with Tony Caltury, click on the Facebook feed below!

Tuesday’s AMBC: Two For Tuesday

Matt Drzik welcomes back Beaver County Parks & Recreation director Tony Caltury at 8:10 on Tuesday, followed by Beaver Falls mayor Kenya Johns at 8:35 tomorrow on A.M. Beaver County.

Frank Sparks starts the day off with news at 6:30 on Beaver County Radio.

VIDEO: Controller Maria Longo Talks ARPA Tracker & Allocation Of 92 Million Dollars

(Matt Drzik/Beaver County Radio)

“To me, it is all taxpayer money…the information should be easily accessible to the taxpayers to see how we’re spending their money.”

Maria Longo, the Controller for Beaver County, joined Matt Drzik on the May 13 edition of A.M. Beaver County to talk about the recently installed ARPA tracker at the Controller’s page on the Beaver County website. The tracker is designed to showcase how much of the $92 million in the ARPA funding for Beaver County has been allocated and how much has been spent/reimbursed.

Longo explained the process of how the ARPA money is dealt with: “When the work is done, you submit the invoices to us, and we reimburse you for the work that’s being done,” she said. “So that way, the county is making sure they’re following the IRS, the guidelines from the feds and all the reporting is correct. It has to be spent on these specific municipality projects that meet the criteria for the ARPA.” Longo says that $70 million worth of projects has already been requested by municipalities.

Despite the system in place, there are still several alleys that could lead to confusion down the line, including the municipalities having their own money to use for projects that hasn’t been allocated by the county, and the federal government’s rulings on the certain situations (such as if a project is incomplete). “They can change the rules however they want along this next three-year process,” Longo said. “As of now, the project has to be completed…but that could change.”

To watch the full interview with Maria Longo, click on the Facebook feed below!

Beaver Memorial Library Getting Ready For Annual Book Sale

(Matt Drzik/Beaver County Radio)

“This sale’s been going on for 40-plus years, so it’s an annual event and it’s a big fundraiser for the library.”

The big annual event is the upcoming book sale being presented by the Beaver Memorial Library in early June. Sue Ann Curtis joined Matt Drzik on the May 12 edition of A.M. Beaver County to discuss the book sale in length, from what books will be available to how it helps the Beaver County Library System.

The book sale will begin with donations being collected starting May 24, and according to Curtis, “we don’t set a limit” for the amount of books, games, or puzzles that one can donate. Curtis also said that donations will be accepted up until “two to three days” before the sale begins, and that the following items cannot be accepted for donations:

  • Encyclopedias
  • Reader’s Digest
  • Magazines
  • Textbooks

The actual buying period begins with the “special pre-sale” on Friday, June 3rd from 5:00-8:00 PM, where those who want early access to all the books (including the best ones) can pay $25 for a ticket that includes a free bag of books. Following the Friday night pre-sale, the general public are invited to attend on June 4, 6, and 7 for the main book sale. On Saturday the books will be available from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM at $15 per bag, and the following Monday and Tuesday at a reduced rate of $10 per bag from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM. There will also be a food truck provided by Curbside Cocina for the sale as well.

To reach out to the Beaver Memorial Library, you can find them online at (not to be confused with or by calling them at 724-775-1132 for any information regarding the Annual Book Sale.

To listen to the full interview with Sue Ann Curtis, click on the player below!

VIDEO: Bert’s Wooden Indian In Beaver Continues Tradition Of Quality Food & Strong Work Environment

(Matt Drzik/Beaver County Radio)
(Photos & stills by Mark Peterson)

75 years is a long time to remain successful, but Bert’s Wooden Indian is close to pulling it off…and they don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.

The famous restaurant located on 308 Leopard Lane in Beaver was the focus of the conversation during the May 11 edition of A.M. Beaver County, as Beth McCartney, Emily Sebastian, and Nichole Blakely stopped by the Beaver County Radio studios to talk with Matt Drzik about Bert’s Wooden Indian. The restaurant was founded in 1948 by Bert Sebastian and has been located in the Beaver area throughout its entire existence.

Matt Drzik talks with Beth McCartney, Emily Sebastian, and Nichole Blakely from Bert’s Wooden Indian in Beaver. (Mark Peterson)

One of Bert’s major components to its long-term success is having an extensive offering of dishes and desserts that they offer to their customers. “Ham barbeque, pork barbeque and pork barbeque are more or less our signature dishes,” McCartney said. “Now we make baked chicken salads, baked fish salads, baked fish dinners…all the fried food appetizers like french fries, onion rings, mushroom caps, sweet potato fries, and redskin potatoes.”. As far as the desserts, they have “hot fudge sundaes, homemade pies baked every morning, sundaes, floats and milkshakes…we’ve run the whole round of restaurant food,” according to McCartney.

Bert’s is also looking to expand their kitchen and waiting staff for their hours of operation between Tuesday and Saturday (they’re closed Sunday and Monday), and they offer a work environment that promotes hard work, two guaranteed days off, and equal opportunity. “I have so many friends that work there, ranging in age from 75 years old all the way down to 15 years old, and I get along with everyone who works there,” Sebastian said. “People who are married, single, have families, still in high school or college and needing a part-time job or full-time job…regardless of your circumstances, I know you’ll fit in at Bert’s.”

Those interested in applying to Bert’s can scan the QR code on the upper right corner of the Facebook feed of the interview, or by applying in person at Bert’s Wooden Indian at 308 Leopard Lane in Beaver (just off Route 51). The full interview can be seen by watching the Facebook feed below.

VIDEO: Rochester Mayor Keith Jackson Talks About Library Centennial & Leadership

(Matt Drzik/Beaver County Radio)

“Every individual in Rochester–to me–is a leader.”

Those are the words of Rochester mayor Keith Jackson, who made a visit to the Beaver County Radio studios to talk with Matt Drzik on the May 11 edition of A.M. Beaver County.

The second-term mayor spoke about the inspiration that brought him into politics, which originate from a lifelong residency in Rochester Borough. Jackson spoke about how he hopes to see that same drive to better the community from all who live within it: “We have to all focus on the same things. When you have people on your council who focus on things that they want and forget about everyone else in the community…that’s not a good sign to me. Me as a leader, I put it in the hands of the people of Rochester.”

Jackson also talked about the Rochester Library, who recently celebrated 100 years of operation. He showcased his full gratitude towards those working in the libraries, including those who operated during the pandemic: “Kids like going to the library. There’s a lot of education in that library. You never realize it until you start going down there…you have a staff down there that is excellent. Even during corona, they were sacrificing their lives to keep the building open, make sure people were getting their books and everything, and I take my hat off to that board at the library and everyone who works down there.”

To watch the full interview with Mayor Jackson, click on the player below!

Mike Spratt Talks About The New Brighton Historical Society

(Matt Drzik/Beaver County Radio)

Making history, collecting history, reinventing history…if it’s got to do with history, then it’s on the list for the New Brighton Historical Society.

Mike Spratt joined Matt Drzik on the May 6 edition of A.M. Beaver County to talk about the NBHS, an organization that has been preserving the history of the borough for several decades. “There’s probably over 1,000 different pieces,” Spratt said in regards to how many pieces of New Brighton history, which he says are coming in from all different parts of the world.

One of the biggest projects currently being handled by the Historical Society is the renovation and restoration of the Irish-Townsend House; a project with over a century’s worth of history behind it. Spratt says that the intention for the NBHS is to turn the Irish-Townsend House into a gathering place for events and future meetings–including those of the Historical Society themselves.

For now, the NBHS meets monthly at the Westminster Presbyterian Church in New Brighton at 7:00 PM on the final Tuesday of the month. The meetings are open to the public, and citizens can become members by paying membership dues of $15 per year for an individual and $25 per year for a family membership.

To listen to the full interview, click on the player below!

VIDEO: New Brighton Rotary To Hold 75th Anniversary Celebration On May 14

(Matt Drzik/Beaver County Radio)

The pavilion at Big Rock Park, the eradication of polio, the clock on main street, assisting with everything from soup kitchens to art galleries…the New Brighton Rotary Club has been part of building and supporting the borough of New Brighton for the last 75 years, and on May 14 they’ll be celebrating.

Matt Drzik spoke with John Proano and Arthur Thompson from the New Brighton Rotary Club on the May 5 edition of A.M. Beaver County about the upcoming 75th Anniversary Celebration to be held on Saturday, May 14 at the Beaver Valley Golf Club in Patterson Township. The event is open to the public and begins at 5:30; dinner takes place at 6:30. More details can be found on the Rotary Club’s Facebook page.

“I think it’s a sense of pride,” Proano said, “the fact that we’ve been able to help the community of New Brighton for 75 years.” Thompson has been with the Rotary Club for 57 of those 75 years, and says that the biggest shift in participation over time with the Rotary Club is because of time: “When I came there, we had the superintendent of schools, a doctor, a dentist, people from Duquesne Light, people from Bell Telephone, a couple of lawyers, an architect…you don’t get this breed of people anymore. People just don’t have the time.” Both Thompson and Proano are hoping, though, that the NB Rotary Club will have at least another 75 years of operation to match the first 75.

To watch the full interview with Matt, Art, and John, click on the Facebook feed below!