Usually when it comes to dealing with those of high school age, the arts and the athletics seldom cross paths. In the case of an upcoming event presented by the Beaver Valley Choral Society and Rochester Area School District, however, they will be intertwined towards a great cause.
The BVCS and RASD will be presenting the Summer Music Academy Golf Outing on September 25, a golf scramble for all ages taking place at Blackhawk Golf Course in Chippewa beginning with breakfast at 7AM and the golf itself at 8AM. Banner and Skill Hole sponsorships are available, and all proceeds benefit the Summer Music Academy for high-school students (and recent graduates) in the choral and instrumental music arts.
Ray Rotuna and Chaz Johnson talked to Matt Drzik about the event on A.M. Beaver County, with Ray discussing the importance of what the Summer Music Academy provides for students looking to further their musical skills, knowledge, and potential career pursuance. Johnson spoke about the golf outing itself, providing a fully detailed explanation of the possible matchups and competitions going on, the different prizes that may be handed out, and the overall fun atmosphere that the organizers are hoping for everyone in attendance.
More details about the event and other upcoming events can be found by going to or for more information.
To hear (and see) the full interview with Ray, Chaz, and Matt, click on the Facebook feed below!