All professional radio started out as amateur radio before the profit was to be had and superstars were made without faces. But while professional radio kept evolving and more media formats entered into the national consciousness, amateur “ham” radio continued to evolve as well, into a version today that is more advanced and all-encompassing.
The Beaver Valley Amateur Radio Association has been part of that decades-long evolution, and on June 26 they are having their “Field Day” to showcase their technical prowess, and to invite others to join in the learning process of what it takes to be in amateur radio, and the achievements that could be had with the right moves.
Rich Soltez (K3SOM) & Director Tony Pavilonis (K3AHP) joined Matt Drzik (W257EA) on A.M. Beaver County to talk about the in’s & out’s of amateur radio, and how those gathered at Old Economy Park on June 26 will be entering a world of communication that is not only technically astounding, but could serve an importance down the line if other methods of technology aren’t readily available or accessible.
More details about the Beaver Valley ARA can be found at their website.
To hear the full interview, click on the Facebook feed below!