U-Haul purchases former Macey’s building in Beaver Valley Mall

The Beaver County Times is reporting that U-Haul is the new owner of the former Macy’s building in the Beaver Valley Mall, and the company intends on opening a “state-of-the-art” showroom and self-storage facility there.

The 203,000-square-feet building  was sold in an auction in December. Macey’s closed early last year.

The Beaver County times is reporting that u-Haul declined comment and that the  Beaver County Recorder of Deeds Jan Beall told them her office received the paperwork, and the sales price came in at $1,530,000.

The facility will feature a “contemporary retail showroom and state-of-the-art self-storage with high-tech security features, affordable price points and climate-controlled options.”


Tune into A.M. Beaver County with Matt Drzik and Pat Septak tomorrow morning for more on this developing story.