(Matt Drzik/Beaver County Radio)
“This sale’s been going on for 40-plus years, so it’s an annual event and it’s a big fundraiser for the library.”
The big annual event is the upcoming book sale being presented by the Beaver Memorial Library in early June. Sue Ann Curtis joined Matt Drzik on the May 12 edition of A.M. Beaver County to discuss the book sale in length, from what books will be available to how it helps the Beaver County Library System.
The book sale will begin with donations being collected starting May 24, and according to Curtis, “we don’t set a limit” for the amount of books, games, or puzzles that one can donate. Curtis also said that donations will be accepted up until “two to three days” before the sale begins, and that the following items cannot be accepted for donations:
- Encyclopedias
- Reader’s Digest
- Magazines
- Textbooks
The actual buying period begins with the “special pre-sale” on Friday, June 3rd from 5:00-8:00 PM, where those who want early access to all the books (including the best ones) can pay $25 for a ticket that includes a free bag of books. Following the Friday night pre-sale, the general public are invited to attend on June 4, 6, and 7 for the main book sale. On Saturday the books will be available from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM at $15 per bag, and the following Monday and Tuesday at a reduced rate of $10 per bag from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM. There will also be a food truck provided by Curbside Cocina for the sale as well.
To reach out to the Beaver Memorial Library, you can find them online at beaverlibrary.com (not to be confused with beaverlibraries.org) or by calling them at 724-775-1132 for any information regarding the Annual Book Sale.
To listen to the full interview with Sue Ann Curtis, click on the player below!