VIDEO: Enrollment Seminars For MITCS To Be Held On March 31

(Matt Drzik/Beaver County Radio)

“What exactly is the Midland Innovation & Technology Charter School? Why should I go there versus the school I go to now?”

These questions and others are to be addressed and answered as the Midland Innovation & Technology Charter School will be holding a seminar regarding the upcoming school year on March 31. There will be two sessions: one at 5:30 and one at 7:30, and they will be held at The Willows in Industry.

The CEO of MITCS, Dr. Chester Thompson, spoke about the upcoming sessions with Matt Drzik on the March 25 edition of A.M. Beaver County. Thompson knows that much of the curiosity and concern regarding MITCS revolves around how wildly and newly different of a school it is compared to charter schools of the past. “The Midland Innovation & Technology Charter School is a paradigm shift,” he said. He spoke of the opportunities being offered by the MITCS in fields such as forensic sciences, eSports, and construction that offer possibilities for high-school students that have never been offered before.

Thompson also acknowledged that classes at the MITCS will maintain a strong connection with Beaver County and nearby local universities. He acknowledged that Robert Morris, Slippery Rock and Duquesne Universities will all be lending their hands and expertise to the new classes being offered at the MITCS, and acknowledges the importance of connecting students to the communities in Beaver County and the Pittsburgh area for current education and future employment endeavors.

To see the full interview with Dr. Thompson, click on the Facebook feed below!