Whether or not the confluence of the Beaver and Ohio Rivers will be freezing on the morning of January 8 is up to Mother Nature. The amount of good fun and good charity, however–that’s in the hands of Beaver County.
Andrew Fee, the Regional Executive Director for Special Olympics PA, joined Matt Drzik on A.M. Beaver County to talk about the 2022 Polar Plunge taking place at the Bridgewater Landings Marina on January 8 at 9 AM. Participants will have the chance to plunge into the cold morning waters of the Beaver River, join in the fun with food and music, and donate to the many competitive and social events put on every year by Special Olympics organizations.
It was also brought up by Andrew that similar to 2021–when the in-person Plunge was not held–the option is available once again for the “Polar Pop”, a virtual participation from the confines of home. Participants are allowed and encouraged to send in a video of themselves engaging with cold water, with all proceeds going to the same goal of helping out Special Olympics PA.
To watch the full interview with Andrew and Matt, check out the Facebook feed below!