Backers of Pennsylvania paid family leave bill cite health of moms and babies

(Source for Photo: The Family Care Act would establish a paid family medical leave insurance fund in Pennsylvania, enabling workers to care for elderly loved ones, sick children or newborns without risking their jobs or financial security. Caption for Photo: Parents Home from Hospital With Newborn Baby In Nursery (Adobe Stock) – Danielle Smith – Keystone News Service)

(Reported by Danielle Smith of Keystone News Service)

(Harrisburg, PA) Legislation to create paid family and medical leave in Pennsylvania is getting bipartisan support. House Bill 200 has 58 cosponsors, including three Republicans. It’s in the Labor and Industry Committee. The nonprofit Maternity Care Coalition is among those pushing for passage. Sarah Jann Heinze with the coalition says the bill would allow families some financial support during childbirth and major illnesses. She adds for new parents and babies, paid leave could cut hospital readmissions in half. House Bill 200 is an update of past legislative attempts known as the Family Care Act, to fund paid leave through employer and employee contributions. Thirteen states have similar programs. Heinze notes many new mothers return to work even before their six-week checkup due to financial strain, some within ten days.