You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009


Timothy (Ohio) 330-301-8223

4 Tires on wheels for a Boat Trailer.  Size 4.80-8 with 4 lug holes.

Brand New.  PRICE: $50.00 each

“Harbor Master Trailable” Boat Cover fits a 14’-15’ boat.  Brand New.  PRICE: $20.00


Looking to Buy a pickup truck that can pull a camper.  Around 150 or 250 range.  Prefer crew cab-any make.



Ernie      724-770-0762

  1. Mossy Oak Back Pack for hiking/hunting with attached 1 quart water bottle. Never used.  Made of water proof canvas.  PRICE:  $15.00
  2. Hunters Buck Knives in sheaths attached to belts. Handles are like beautiful buck horns.  Really nice and Razor sharp.  PRICE: $20.00 for both.
  3. An electric mini snowblower-perfect for sidewalk or patio. Clears a 12” path and weighs only 7lbs.  Very powerful-throws snow about 3′.  PRICE: $25.00
  4. Very powerful Toro electric leaf blower includes extension cord.  PRICE: $25.00


Val        724-513-9390


Wooden toy/Storage Box   PRICE: $45.00



Charlie      724843-2560

Cassettes for Video Camera High 8.  Brand new.  Will record up to 2 hours each.  Can easily transfer after recording.  PRICE:  FREE

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