YANKEE TRADER 10-14-23 Listings

You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009



10-14-23 LISTINGS


Nick (Coraopolis)      412-264-7371

Fiberglass double bowl laundry tub (all one piece) in VERY GOOD condition.   FREE FREE FREE




Howie      724-774-6397  30 unbuilt Classic Car Models.

1/24th & 1/25th scale.  The cars are from the 30’s & 40’s like a 1940 Ford, 1948 Ford, 1937 Chevy.  A few are from the 50’s.  PRICE:  Make an offer




Val      724-513-9390  Costumes-perfect for Halloween

  • A High School graduation cap and Gown.
  • A Soccer Player outfit. Including shin guards.

Any reasonable offer accepted.


5 Insulated Styrofoam containers.  15 X 15 X 10.  Keep hot things HOT or cold things COLD.  PRICE:  $10.00 each


Large gold framed Victorian Mirror    PRICE: $119.00

Other mirrors available in a variety of shapes & sizes.  Come check ‘em out!


Heavy Duty 10X15 slightly used envelopes.

PRICE: .40 each




Kenny      724-843-5819

2014 Suzuki Berkman Motor Scooter.  Will get up to 95 or a hundred MPH.  Gets about 60 MPG.  Silver color.  Has approximately 5,000 miles on it.  (new: $8,000)   Has lots of storage under the seat.  You do not have to throw your leg over anything, just step right on.  Automatic transmission-NO SHIFTING GEARS!

PRICE: $3,000




Betsy      724-843-0774

Wood Lathe   PRICE: $250.00 OBO


Pipe Stand and Pipe Threader  PRICE: $250.00 OBO

Widget not in any sidebars