Yankee Trader 1-27-24 Listings

You can email bcr@beavercountyradio.com to add a listing or to let Diane Brosius know if your item has sold. You can also list items on the Website (Beavercountyradio.com) by clicking on the Yankee Trader logo. Snail mail can be sent to WBVP/WMBA 4301 Dutch Ridge Rd. Beaver, PA 15009


1-27-24 LISTINGS


Mary (Hopewell)   724-788-1818 or  724-622-8381

Child’s Booster Seat for a chair.  PRICE: $5.00


Brand NIB Squatty Potty.  A stool that fits in front of toilet to help facilitate the movement of your “movement”.   PRICE: $5.00




Smitty (Beaver)     724-462-8079


Beautiful nice-sized Chest with clasp.  Handmade by a Marine Corp Colonel.  Medium color stain and varnished.  PRICE: Make an offer


Vintage upright smallish refrigerator perfect for garage or dorm.  White color.  PRICE: $25.00


1974 Stingray Corvette.  White color with black interior.  PRICE:  Make an offer.



Howie      724-774-6397

30 unbuilt Classic Car Models.

1/24th & 1/25th scale.  The cars are from the 30’s & 40’s like a 1940 Ford, 1948 Ford, 1937 Chevy.  A few are from the 50’s.  PRICE:  Make an offer

Scale Auto Magazines from 1986-2003.  PRICE: make an offer



Val  (Beaver)      724-513-9390


Panasonic Landline Cordless telephones.  5 handsets, 2 dial pads. Includes answering machine, redial, speakerphone & caller ID.     PRICE:  $89.00


Visio 24” Flat-Screen TV  PRICE:  $45.00


Incline Exercise Board (in 2 pieces).  Padded with straps for holding feet.  Folds flat for storage.  PRICE: $50.00


Baseball and Football Trading Cards.  All kept in albums so they’re in terrific condition.  Purchase individually or by the album.




Dave (Beaver Falls)    724-843-8483


Young American Patriots-PA edition.  Hard-cover large book published after WWII in 1946 listing all Pennsylvania military that served during WWII.  Includes photographs and details about each service member.  Divided by County with 260 pages devoted to Beaver County.   PRICE: $30.00


Box full of Knitting needles in nice shape-all different sizes.  Perfect for a club or church ministry.  PRICE:  free!


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