The Best of Beaver County talks Politics and Basketball!!

Jim Roddey host of “The Best of Beaver County”

(Beaver Falls Pa.) The Best of Beaver County is easy to discover; it’s right on your radio!  Tune in this and every Thursday from 11 to 11:30 A.M.  for “The Best of Beaver County”, an innovative radio program on WBVP and WMBA presented by St. Barnabas. The show is hosted by Jim Roddey and is dedicated to shining light on the great things going on right here in local neighborhoods, and the people that are making it happen.This week Jim’s guests were Senator Elder Vogel, Chuck Cooper, and Tom Rooney .

In segment one this week Mr. Roddey and Senator Vogel talked about his growing up as a dairy farmer and that as an adult after graduating from school her returned to run the family farm. Vogel even talked about selling the cows and that him and his wife still run the farm. Vogel then discussed with Roddey his career as a Senator and some of the committees he is on and has been on in the Senate. Vogel talked about his passion for helping people and the good feeling he gets when someone approaches him and thanks him for helping them. One of the things that the Senator was able to get passed through was the fact that in the past you weren’t permitted to sell home made baked goods at a fundraiser and now you can.

In segment two Mr. Roddey talked with Tom Rooney who is a promoter that was instrumental and helping Chuck Cooper get into the Basketbal Hall of Fame. Chuck’s son Chuck the 3rd joined the conversation and talked about his Dad being one of the first Black Players drafted into the NBA by the Boston Celtics in after having a stellar career at Duquesne that led to a National Title. After pushing for sometime Rooney was able to help Cooper get  inducted about two weeks ago. Unfortunatley Cooper passed away at the age of 57 and wasn’t here to see the culmination of his career.

You can watch the show as it was streaming Live on Facebook by oressing the play button below…….


The radio broadcast will be replayed each Sunday from 11:30 am to Noon from the St. Barnabas Studio on Beaver County Radio.

Click on the logo below if you would like more info on St. Barnabas….

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