Santa Claus visits Candy-land at the 2019 Rochester Carol Sing and Light-up Night

(Rochester, Pa.) Santa Claus was the main attraction at the 2019 Rochester Carol Sing and Light-up Night on Sunday December 8, 2019. The third annual event got underway at 2:30 pm with the opening ceremonies being broadcast live on Beaver County Radio. the JR ROTC presented the colors as our National Anthem was then played. One of the event coordinators Ray Rotuna spoke with Beaver County Radio’s Frank Sparks during the broadcast and told the listeners the schedule of events for the  day that would all be topped off with with the ceremonial lighting of the lights to signify the 2019 Holiday Season. Some of the other events of the day was the reading of “Twas the Night Before Christmas”  with sound effects from students of the Rochester School District, Carol Singer with the Beaver Valley Choral Society and singing by the kindergartners of the Rochester School District.

Beaver County Radio’s Frank Sparks and Matt Drzik did a broadcast from 2:30 to 4:30 pm.  Frank and Matt also took a tour of Candy-land before Santa and Mrs. Claus arrived and sat on a special throne that was hand made for him to sit on while the children sat on his lap to tell Santa what they want for Christmas. You can see the video as it streamed live on the station Facebook page by pressing the play button below. ..

Check out all of the photos below of the fun of the 2019 Rochester Carol Sing and Light-up Night……