Twenty-year-old arrested in Aliquippa for driving under the influence and other charges

(File Photo of Police Lights)

(Reported by Beaver County Radio News Correspondent Sandy Giordano, Published on December 16th, 2024 at 8:26 A.M.)

(Aliquippa, PA) A twenty-year-old from Aliquippa was arrested and faces multiple charges after driving under the influence. Aliquippa Police arrested twenty-year-old Andre Little on Sunday after noticing his silver Hyundai sedan with both the headlights and the taillights off. Little also drove through yards in his car. After being taken into custody, a police report stated that Little’s blood alcohol level was about 0.23%. Little faces charges including driving under the influence, underage drinking, hit and run, not activating his lights after dark, and driving on roadways that were laned for traffic.