‘Tis The Season to Give Back to Aging Adults in our Community Home Instead’s “Be a Santa to a Senior” Finds New Ways to Spread Cheer 

ZELIENOPLE, Pa. – Nov. 9, 2020 At a time when it may be more important than ever, Home Instead’s® seasonal favorite Be A Santa to a Senior returns stronger than ever with new options for community participation.

Program coordinators evaluated the important holiday program and made adjustments with the safety of donors, seniors and volunteers in mind. With seniors in Beaver and Butler counties more isolated than ever because of concerns due to the virus, this year, for the first time in the local program’s 10-year history, Home Instead is teaming up with Amazon Business, to create a contactless gift-giving experience for volunteers and recipients. The new Amazon Business collaboration will provide the same holiday cheer to local seniors while also prioritizing the safety and wellness of all who are involved.

“The Be a Santa to a Senior program brings so much joy to seniors in our community,” said Brendan Kenny, owner of the Zelienople Home Instead office. “We’ve all felt isolated at some point during the pandemic, but seniors are especially at risk of feeling isolated and a simple gift can show them that we are thinking of them. And that’s more important this year than ever.”

 Be a Santa to a Senior relies on the generous support of community members and volunteers, as well as area businesses, nonprofit organizations, and retailers across Beaver and Butler counties.

It’s easy to help. Members of the community can visit BeASantatoaSenior.com and enter their zip code to view Wish Lists for local seniors in the area which are available on Amazon Business through December 11. A personalized greeting can be included with the gift which will be safely delivered to the senior.

“We need the community’s help more than ever to make sure our seniors feel connected this year,” said Kenny. “With all that’s happened this year, we knew we had to find a way to reach those seniors with some holiday cheer, and we are grateful for the community’s support.”

Since the program’s creation in 2003, Be a Santa to a Senior® has provided approximately 2.1 million gifts and brightened the season for more than 750,000 deserving seniors nationwide. With adjustments, Home Instead will be able to continue the annual gift-giving program while following social distancing and safety precautions during COVID-19.

For more information about the program, visit BeaSantatoaSenior.com or call 724-452-6691.

For ideas and inspiration around helping seniors in your community, visit ReadytoCare.com.