The Cranberry Township Volunteer Fire Company is looking for more volunteers after 2024 broke a record for most calls from the community

(File Photo of Cranberry Tonwship Logo)

Noah Haswell, Beaver County Radio News

(Cranberry Township, PA) The Cranberry Township Volunteer Fire Company is looking for more people to join their team. 1,183 calls were responded to by the company in 2024 around or from the community, which was more than any other year. Chief Scott Garing of Cranberry Township Fire and Emergency Services confirms that the emergency calls are not going to decrease and that the company needs volunteers. The company also has an on-site training center. Volunteers also get paid through a stipend program for each shift. The link to start signing up to be a volunteer firefighter for the Cranberry Township Volunteer Fire Company can be accessed using the link below:

Click here to sign up to volunteer for the Cranberry Township Volunteer Fire Company – Allegheny PA