Beaver County Radio News Correspondent Sandy Giordano reports that the B.F. Jones Memorial Library in Aliquippa played host to 16 students in grades 5-9 from Aliquippa, Ambridge, and Hopewell ., according to Kris Jancey, teen librarian A Pennsylvania Humanities Gran through the Humanities council of $1,500 was awarded to the library for the biweekly program that meets for one hour every other Saturday. The program’s focus is on the humanities civic engagement, literacy, and interest in the community. Jennie Honi the program coordinator Jancey said a few libraries were chosen last year to host the program. This year it’s Aliquippa’s turn. The students are engaged in drawing, painting, writing, and were given the book “Yummy” the Last Days of a Southside Shorty” by G. Neri. Once they read the book they’ll have a mock trial to determine who committed the murder.