State Rep. Jim Christiana Reacts To County’s Firing Of Egley Secretary

State Representative Jim Christiana is reacting to the latest developments in the “pay-to-play” scandal at the Beaver County Courthouse. Christiana says County Commissioner Chairwoman Sandie Egley did the right thing when she fired her administrative assistant, Randi Bick, who was at the center of the scandal brought to light by Christiana last week. Christiana met with Egley on Friday to inform her that, according to his sources, Bick told several individuals that if they didn’t contribute more to Egley’s campaign, they wouldn’t be doing business with the county, hoping that she would look into the matter and act accordingly. Then came word yesterday that Bick was no longer an employee. In an interview today with Mike Romigh on Beaver County Radio, Christiana said this is not over yet and is still calling for an investigation.