Citizens Police Academy is an informative, ten-week classroom series that gives an inside look at the Beaver/Vanport Area Police operations, while discussing the principles of community policing. The purpose is to promote a greater awareness and better understanding of local law enforcement’s continuously changing role in the community. Presented in a friendly, casual environment, the class covers a wide variety of subjects including Police communications, criminal law and procedures, street crime enforcement & investigations, and tours of local services. The course is open to all Beaver County residents 18 years & older who have no felony convictions. Applicants must agree to a no-charge criminal backgreound check.
The next CPA classes will start on Monday, March 11th in the Community Room at the Beaver Borough building and will continue to meet Monday evenings from 6-9 PM.
Applications can be picked up at the Beaver Police Department, or faxded and emailed, by calling Bonnie at 724-773-6709 X 101.